Stacy came to our village from another nearby village where she had been teaching. She really likes kids, and she also loves dogs. The boys got to live vicariously through her semi-adoption of Charlie, a beagle-like local mutt with a lot of moxie.
Stacy came along with us to the Buena Vista Canopy and Spa Tour, which is a day trip including a 400-meter water slide on the slopes of Rincon de la Vieja, a higher-altitude national park complete with volcano vistas, hot springs, thick forests, and numerous morpho butterflies.
Stacy loves ziplining!
Stacy loves volcanic mud!
Stacy loves speaking Spanish! Especially when our guides are so chusco….
Stacy loves Charlie the dog! Here we are at a gelato place outside our village.
All in all, Stacy is fun. And the boys now know that Stacy has a mom in New Jersey who might just be willing to keep an eye on Charlie if Stacy decides to take Charlie from Costa Rica to the U.S. Stacy is working on her mother, wearing her mother down so that she’ll let her adopt Charlie, my son writes in his journal. I know that the boys, too, would love a dog, and yet our roadschooling & traveling lifestyle won’t allow for it. Spending time with Stacy has enabled both of them enjoy a little bit of vicarious living with a devoted, adorable pet.
Good luck to you in Guatemala and in Morristown, Stacy. We’re so happy we could hang out in Costa Rica and get up close & personal with no fewer than sixteen (dieciseis) crocodiles (cocodrilos americanos).
Wed, Nov 10, 2010
General, International, Outdoors